Common Reasons for a Disability Insurance Claim Denial If your short-term or long-term disability claim has been denied, immediately contact the Indianapolis disability attorneys at Keller & Keller for a free consultation. When a person receives a denial letter from an insurance company, they must appeal within a very limited period of time. Unfortunately, disability insurance companies or administrators may wrongfully deny a disabled individual's benefits. Indiana workers pay insurance premiums and depend on disability insurance benefits in the event of an injury or illness. Whether or not a policy is governed by ERISA is important because ERISA regulates the claimant's appeal rights and affects whether an individual can assert that the insurance company acted in 'bad faith' under Indiana law. ERISA also does not apply to individual disability policies. Group disability plans issued to the employees of public schools, state or municipal employees and church employees are usually exempt from ERISA. Group disability policies are typically governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), although certain group plans may be exempt from ERISA. Sometimes employee-sponsored disability benefits are administered by claims management companies such as Sedgwick CMS, Disability RMS, or Matrix Absence Management. The disability benefits are often insured by companies like CIGNA (Life Insurance Company of North America), Prudential, Unum, Liberty Mutual, Lincoln, MetLife, Mutual of Omaha, The Hartford, Sun Life, The Standard, Mass Mutual, Aetna, Assurant, Reliance Standard, or Anthem. Many employers offer short-term and long-term disability insurance coverage as an employee benefit.